Client Leading Offshore Oil and Gas Company Country United Arab Emirates (UAE) Year 2021-2022 Details Wellube successfully delivered a comprehensive turnkey online leak sealing solution for a leading oil and gas client, ensuring uninterrupted operations and enhanced reliability. The project involved…
Online Leak Sealing and its Importance
In this blog, we explore the importance of online leak sealing and its benefits.
62ā X 4ā Tee Enclosure Clamp Seals Leak with Zero Production Loss
Wellube successfully sealed a sea water leak in the Tee branch of a client pipeline using a 62ā x 4ā Tee enclosure.
Flare Line Leak Sealed Online with a 24ā Large Enclosure Clamp
Wellube successfully repaired a flare line with multiple sections of corrosion using a 2.9m long 24ā enclosure clamp, with zero interruption to production.
High Pressure Gas Leak Sealed Online with a 42ā Enclosure Clamp
Wellube successfully sealed a gas leak on a 42ā pipeline operating at 45 bar with a 42ā enclosure clamp and zero interruption to production.
Steam Leak on an Exchanger Flange Sealed with a 6-part 2m Ring Clamp
Wellube successfully sealed a steam leak on an exchanger with a 2-meter ring clamp with no interruption to production. Ā
On-line Sealing of Wellhead Master Valve Flange Leak
The clamp was successfully installed at the site and a Sealant Compound was injected into the flange cavity
Critical Natural Gas Leak Sealed on a 24ā Electrically Insulated Flange
The clamp was successfully installed at the site and a Sealant Compound was injected into the flange cavity
Customised Pipeline Clamp Avoids Operational Disruption
Wellube successfully completed online sealing of 68ā expansion bellow sea water leak in Abu Dhabi.