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Pipe Freezing Services

Wellube’s Pipe Freezing solution can help you reduce downtime – and save costs – during maintenance programs.

Secure your pipeline with Wellube’s Trusted Pipe Freezing Service.

Pipe freezing is a method of modifying and repairing pipes. Pipe freezing cools the pipe’s exterior for a long enough time for the fluid within the pipe to solidify. The frozen fluid separates a piece of the pipe, allowing operations to be completed more quickly.

When shutdown valves are not available in the pipeline area that needs repair, pipe freezing is a useful instrument. Pipe freezing allows for repairs in remote locations. Because pipe freezing can segregate individual parts of a pipeline, the entire pipeline system may not need to be shut down. Pipeline freezing is efficient for small-diameter pipes. However, large-diameter pipes (150 mm or larger) may necessitate specialised equipment and considerations.

The temperature of the pipeline must be dropped below the freezing point of the fluid it is carrying to carry out the procedure. This is performed through the use of a refrigerant. Although multiple freezing methods may be necessary for different types of pipe materials and fluids, introducing liquid nitrogen to the pipeline is a popular method. After the cooling process has commenced, the fluid within the pipe will begin to produce an ice plug. The ice block keeps the remaining fluid in the pipe from flowing, allowing for repairs or other pipeline adjustments.

Our pipe freezing services are effective and uphold the highest performance standards.

Pipe freezing is an alternative to line stopping, where sections of pipe need to be isolated due to unavailable or inoperable valves. It’s been used to keep numerous piping systems online and help customers avoid unscheduled shutdowns.

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We’re able to freeze pipe with sizes varying from ¼” to 24”



Used across the petrochemical, oil & gas, power generation, gas distribution, and nuclear industries.

Pipe Freezing Company in Qatar

Benefits of Pipe Freezing

Pipe freezing is widely recognized as a safe, dependable, and cost-effective method of temporary pipeline isolation, and it provides many significant advantages, including:

  • There is no need to drain systems, avoiding costly and time-consuming venting processes
  • There is no need to organise for bulk fluid transfer/storage.
  • Reduces the loss of costly liquids such as treated water and system inhibitors.
  • Overcomes the issues associated with handling hazardous chemicals and improves safety when working on lines holding polluted or volatile liquids.

Unlocking the Power of Pipeline Freezing with Wellube's Professional Services and Stand Out from the Crowd

At Wellube, we believe that innovation is critical to keeping society moving forward. Our pipe-freezing services are pretty compelling. Our products and services have been proven to be of the highest quality in their respective markets, so you can always rely on us.

Our safety and quality requirements are uncompromising. We reach these standards by adhering to strict safety and quality inspections, hiring the most professional and certified personnel, and, most importantly, working collaboratively with our clients, which has helped us become a successful pipe-freezing contractor.

Fill out an online inquiry form if you have any questions concerning our pipeline freeze plugs, project management, or any of our engineering solutions. You can also contact one of our offices suitable for your location.


Pipe freezing can be used on pipe materials, such as copper, and steel. However, the pipe must be able to withstand the pressure created by the ice plug that is formed during the freezing process.

Pipe freezing may not be suitable for all types of pipelines or situations. It may not be possible to freeze pipes with large size diameter (more than 24”) medium or elevated temperatures, liquids with different freezing point, or in cases where the pipe is too small or has a complex geometry.

The time it takes to freeze a pipe depends on several factors, including the pipe size and material, the pipe medium temperature and the ambient temperature. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to freeze a pipe.

When done correctly, pipe freezing is a safe and non-intrusive method for making repairs or modifications to pipelines. However, if the freezing process is not done properly or if the pipes are not in good condition there is a risk of damage to the pipes or other equipment.

When choosing a pipe freezing service provider, it is important to look for a company with a good history of freezing works and experienced technicians who are trained in the latest techniques and equipment. If you have a requirement, contact Wellube for a seamless and excellent pipe freezing operation for your project.

The cost of pipe freezing services varies depending on the size of the pipeline, the type of pipe medium and the location of the pipeline. A professional pipe freezing service provider such as Wellube will typically provide a quote after assessing the job site and discussing the specific requirements with the customer.

Why choose Wellube?

Wellube is a dependable pipe-freezing provider for guaranteeing the integrity of your pipeline. Trusted by many around the globe, Wellube’s pipe-freezing service can help you reduce downtime and save thousands of dollars during your maintenance programs.

Pipe freezing eliminates the need for expensive fluid discharging and recharging and minimizes system shutdown time. More than that, it reduces the resources you need for the repair and modification work.

It is carried out under “no flow” conditions; it’s a proven isolation technique when you need to modify pipelines, replace defective valves, or add new ones. Our unique methodology can freeze on pipe sizes varying from ¼” to 24,” and the freeze plug can be maintained for as long as required. A quick mobilization turnaround to meet your emergency requirement can be performed on most metal pipes and in any orientation.


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