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Hot Tapping & Double Line Stop Work for Rerouting of Existing Pipeline

Client Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facility Pvt. Limited (MAFFL)
Country Mumbai, India
Year 2018 ā€“ 2022
Service details Wellubeā€™sĀ hot tappingĀ andĀ line stoppingĀ service is a cost-effective way of enabling repairs, maintenance, modifications, or reconfiguration work on existing piping systems ā€“ on either a planned or emergency basis.

Our hot tap operation prevents unwanted shutdowns and keeps critical piping and pipeline systems online during tie-ins, relocations, repairs, retrofits, and routine maintenance.

To know more, get in touch with us atĀ

Summary of the ProjectĀ 

Wellube successfully provided complete design, engineering, project management, and implementation of one 10ā€ and 20ā€ hot tap each, two 10ā€ double position line stops and four 20ā€ double position line stops on ATF Pipelines for rerouting of the pipelines & decommissioning of tanks.

Hot Tapping

Client RequirementĀ 

The client wanted to reroute their existing Aviation Turbine Fuel Pipeline (ATF) and create a branch connection, as their old tank farms were being removed and replaced with new ones.

Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

There were several challenges faced during the execution of the project, such as delay in obtaining permits as the project location was a high-security area. The COVID-19 pandemic also caused delays due to restrictions. We also had to proceed with extra caution due to cyclones affecting the project location. The Wellube team tackled all the challenges with proactive planning and preparation to ensure smooth execution.

Unique Solution DeliveredĀ 

Our team did a site survey to understand the clientā€™s requirements and the site conditions. This helped us discuss their expectations and create a customized project execution plan. The overall scope of the project included one 10ā€ and 20ā€ hot tap each, two 10ā€ double position line stops and four 20ā€ double position line stops.

The Wellube team worked on the project from end to end. Our design and engineering team worked on manufacturing the extruded type of hot tap and line stop fittings based on the dimensions of the pipeline in order to avoid extra weld joints on the fittings.

hot tap

The project locations of the hot tap and line stop were excavated, after which our team completed the 10ā€Ā Hot TapĀ with flow through guide bar, 20ā€ and 10ā€ Hot Tapping, as well as 10ā€, and 20ā€ Double Line Stop work on the ATF Pipelines for rerouting of the pipelines and decommissioning of the tanks.

Our qualified in-service welders also performed welding on the fittings during the execution, thus managing the complete project in-house and providing the customer with the same quality through every stage of the project.

Benefits DeliveredĀ 

  • The project was executed with complete QHSE compliance and safety.
  • End-to-end integrated solution provided.
  • Technical support is provided by Wellubeā€™s team of specialists.
  • The client was completely satisfied with our execution, and we were recognized with an award during the clientā€™s contractor meet.


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