Getting to Know Manu And His Industry Experience With Wellube
How long have you been with Wellube? And how many years in the industry?
I have been working with Wellube for a decade now, I joined the company in 2011. In the industry, I have over 12 years of experience
What is your career background and key area of expertise?
I began my career working as a Mechanical Engineer with a renowned oil and gas EPC company in KSA. Post the completion of my assigned project, I decided to join Wellube in 2011 as a Project engineer for flow management intervention and integrity services.
My key area of expertise lies in the design and execution of cost-effective technical solutions for various pipeline repair and rehabilitation services such as under pressure leak arresting, online valve testing and online valve maintenance services.
Manu along with his colleagues during a site visit.
What do you enjoy the most about your job at Wellube?
There are several wonderful things I like about working for Wellube and my favourite ones are as follows- the flexibility I have with my working hours, the vibrant people I’m surrounded with and the nature of work I handle. These have made every day at Wellube a new experience. Given the nature of my job profile, every single client problem I come across in a day is unique and challenging, I always get a sense of satisfaction when the client’s concerns are effectively addressed and the solutions we propose solve their problems, thus adding value to the business and becoming their trusted solution partner. Working in Wellube, I feel that I am working in one of the finest engineering service companies in the region where I learn from veteran professionals across disciplines who are always willing to lend a hand of support in need that I can learn from and truly rely upon.How has Wellube evolved from the time you joined until now?
Wellube has grown bigger in terms of its resources and market share from the day I have joined till now. The growth has been consistent and positive ever since and this has contributed to both my professional and personal growth as well.

Manu and his department’s cricket team strike a pose with their trophies.
How would you describe a typical day for you at Wellube?
My typical workday starts with responding to emails regarding customer enquiries associated with pipeline repair solutions, resolving technical queries, resources planning, scheduling and attending customer calls & meetings. I jot down all the tasks and prioritise them depending on their urgency and importance. I also review the status of the projects that I’m currently working on and make sure that all of them are moving forward without any glitches.
Any key highlights to date of working with the company?
There are several key highlights, but one that’s close to my heart is a critical online leak sealing project we had executed for a national oil company in the UAE. The project was declined by our competitors due to the complexity involved, however despite the challenges encountered at the site we successfully executed the job on time and in a safe manner. The client was very pleased with our solution and upon completion of the project, we were awarded a 5 year contract for pipeline intervention and pressure services. This I feel is a great achievement, as it shows the value we add to the client’s operations.

Manu and team at the project site.
What do you think makes Wellube different than its competitors?
The work culture combined with the people here is what makes Wellube stand out. This unique combination makes the company very dynamic and comfortable for our customers to work with. In addition to this, our service offerings and strong track record in the industry along with our focused customer interaction have turned many of our customers into constant clients.
What does your work/life balance look like?
When at work, I stay focussed on my current responsibilities and make sure my tasks are my main priority. However, when I am away from work I spend time with my family and on my hobbies, Over the weekends, my family and I visit nearby parks and beaches. We also hang out with family friends & relatives in the UAE.
Manu and his colleagues at the annual party organised by the company.